Global Justice in Lutheran Political Theology


  • Carl-Henric Grenholm Uppsala University, Sweden




The purpose of this article is to examine the contributions that might be given by Lutheran political theology to the discourse on global justice. The article offers a critical examination of three different theories of global justice within political philosophy. Contractarian theories are criticized, and a thesis is that it is plausible to argue that justice can be understood as liberation from oppression. From this perspective the article gives an analysis of an influential theory of justice within Lutheran ethics. According to this theory justice is not an equal distribution but an arrangement where the subordinate respect the authority of those in power. This theory is related to a sharp distinction between law and gospel. The main thesis of the article is that Lutheran political theology should take a different approach if it aims to give a constructive contribution to theories of justice. This means that Lutheran ethics should not be based on Creation and reason alone – it should also be based on Christology and Eschatology.


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How to Cite

Grenholm, C.-H. (2016) “Global Justice in Lutheran Political Theology”, De Ethica, 3(1), pp. 45–58. doi: 10.3384/de-ethica.2001-8819.163145.


