On Age


  • William Simkulet Park University




Age, Aging, Ethics, Rip Van Winkle, Makropulos Case, Metaphorical Fallacy


Age is determined by the amount of time that someone or something has existed. For example, a person born in 1980 and a 1980 vintage wine would each be 40 years old in 2020. Recently, Joona Räsänen has challenged this belief, arguing that in some cases one’s age is not determined by how long one has existed, but by some feature or set of features about one’s biology, experiences, and/or beliefs about themselves. In many cases, age is an ad hoc indicator of physical health, psychological development, and the like, but for Räsänen, it seems age isn’t merely an indicator of such things; it’s derived from these things! Here I argue Räsänen’s alternatives to chronological age are ontologically burdensome and inconsistent with our intuitions in both normal and weird cases.


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How to Cite

Simkulet, W. (2024) “On Age”, De Ethica, 8(2), pp. 33–43. doi: 10.3384/de-ethica.2001-8819.248233.


